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1 point

Is there any video, any documentation where she stated or signed that she never wanted those interviews to be seen by the public even after death?

If they exist they haven't come out yet, so yes, it is up to her kids to uphold her wishes if that was one of them.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Then it's up to her kids to enforce it.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

That's the issue. We can't know if she would or not. She's dead, it's impossible to ask.

So IF her son's care, then there is an issue, they are the only ones who can really speak for her on this. If they don't care then it is no issue.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

If I die and ten years later someone wants to post a video of my life, no I wouldn't care. Privacy exists when you are alive. If my children don't want it then yes it would matter which is why my first statement asking about what her children thought, came into play.

If someone recorded my entire life I should hope I would have known about it. If I said things even off the record I would expect at some point it would come back, especially when it's done in front of a journalist.

I don't think she will be remembered poorly, I really don't. I think she was an amazing and strong woman who got the raw deal in a lot of political maneuverings by other people and I think she handled it as best she could.

1 point

We don't know what she wants. But I think my main belief is still the same. What are her son's opinions on this? They are the ones directly affected by it. If they are fine with it then that should be that. If not, then I would be more inclined to think this should be kept personnel.

1 point

Because then we are able to get a deeper understanding of the life she led. It's her own words, her own voice, her own thoughts. What people write about and what she herself says may be two different things.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Would you be happy dying with the knowledge that a decade later your private info would be fair game?

I'd be more unhappy that I was dead. What happens afterwards isn't something I'll care about since I'm....ya know.....dead.

1 point

Well. I think if they are concerned about her adult sons then it begs the question, what are their thoughts on it?

As for the rest? I think it's been long enough, it's been more than a decade since her passing and I think it would provide some interesting insight to the life she's lead, her thoughts and what kind of person she was with the upbringing she's had. There have been countless books on her so I don't believe there could be too much shocking footage there to really be concerned about.

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