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Ameri2ca's Reward Points: 177

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Should you support the NFL after they allowed players to kneel during the National Anthem?
3 Created Debate Should you support the NFL after they allowed players to kneel during the National Anthem?
1 Added Argument Trump COULD pitch jobs. He COULD pitch the tax cut. But, he'd rather pitch HATE.
1 Added Argument Trump said, if the brown children throw rocks, SHOOT 'em
1 Added Argument Is Kanye a true Trump Supporter?
4 Created Debate Is Kanye a true Trump Supporter?
4 Created Debate Do we really need a wall?
3 Added Argument Is Gossip Ok?
1 Added Argument If some large person was coming at you with a knife, would you want to have a gun?
1 Added Argument Synagogue shooter could get the death penalty. Should he?
3 Added Argument Who is a better rapper? Eminem or NF?
8 Added Argument Is there such thing as Gun violence?
5 Created Debate Who is a better rapper? Eminem or NF?
5 Created Debate Is there such thing as Gun violence?
1 Added Argument Democrats are intentionally lying about the word nationalism
1 Added Argument Should President Trump start separating people
1 Added Argument If you could go back and kill Hitler as a baby, would you do it?
2 Created Debate Do liberals cause problems in the world?
1 Added Argument Should we be able to have phones in our classrooms?
1 Added Argument 17 dead children, what is appopriate?
1 Added Argument Is Jesus God?
2 Added Argument Do illegal Mexicans have the right to protest in America?
3 Created Debate If you are in danger and kill someone that was threatining you is it wrong?
1 Added Argument Thoughts on Jesus not being real and christianity being as immoral as judaism/islam?

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