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Daegonius's Reward Points: 329

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate THE EARTH IS FLAT 100% PROOF
3 Created Debate What will america look like once Trump is done with it?
1 Added Argument Progressive Chaos
1 Added Argument Should parents be allowed to force their children to practice a religion?
-1 Downvoted Argument Progressive Chaos
0 Downvoted Argument I AM NUMBER ONE BITCH
-1 Downvoted Argument Nothing is ever going to get done, anywhere, if all we try to do is win an argument.
1 Added Argument Should I go to bed or just drink 50 coffees and post debates all night?
0 Downvoted Argument excon is a black african neanderthal jew
0 Added Argument excon is a black african neanderthal jew
-1 Downvoted Argument THE GRAND DECEPTION
0 Added Argument excon once tongue kissed a monkeys butt hole
0 Downvoted Argument I AM NUMBER ONE BITCH
0 Added Argument I AM NUMBER ONE BITCH
2 Added Argument Nothing is ever going to get done, anywhere, if all we try to do is win an argument.
0 Added Argument excon is a jewish supremacist and thinks jews are smarter than everyone else.
0 Created Debate I AM NUMBER ONE BITCH
0 Created Debate excon is a jewish supremacist and thinks jews are smarter than everyone else.
0 Created Debate excon once tongue kissed a monkeys butt hole
0 Created Debate excon is a black african neanderthal jew
0 Downvoted Argument If jews are both a religious denomination and an ethnicity does that make excon half jewis
0 Added Argument If jews are both a religious denomination and an ethnicity does that make excon half jewis
1 Added Argument Is judaism a race or a religion?

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