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EvilJew's Reward Points: 34

Points When What Where
3 Added Argument Refuse To Serve Stupid People?!
-1 Downvoted Argument Refuse To Serve Stupid People?!
2 Added Argument Twenty One Pilots is the greatest band ever to have existed.
5 Created Debate Twenty One Pilots is the greatest band ever to have existed.
1 Added Argument Is Leftism a religion?
6 Added Argument Is Leftism a religion?
5 Created Debate Is Leftism a religion?
0 Downvoted Argument Chuck Schumer is completely full of shit at all times
0 Downvoted Argument Chuck Schumer is completely full of shit at all times
0 Added Argument Chuck Schumer is completely full of shit at all times
1 Added Argument Did Jesus actually exist?
6 Added Argument Do animals have the right to live, just like born and unborn humans?
6 Added Argument Did Jesus actually exist?

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