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HighFalutin's Reward Points: 3402

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Does climate change dries up forests creating more wildfires
1 Added Argument Remembering when the left called the Wuhan lab leak theory a conspiracy theory
1 Added Argument Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
1 Added Argument Are we required by law to provide a quality life to the animals under our care?
1 Added Argument Is saying;- ''go back to your country'' a racially charged comment?
5 Added Argument Left shifts to ''Hispanics can be white supremacists'' when shooter is Hispanic
5 Created Debate People Who Can't Speak English Shouldn't Be Allowed To Vote
1 Added Argument When Trump said he could shoot somebody and not lose voters, was he RIGHT?
2 Added Argument What is the point of stores investing in anti shoplifting measures?
0 Added Argument Can't life's losers accept that they are poor due to being comparatively dumb?
3 Added Argument People Who Don't Pay Taxes Shouldn't Be Allowed To Vote.
1 Added Argument Left celebrates tax day and the IRS after telling us only the poor pay taxes
1 Added Argument Did Icarus deserve his fate?
1 Added Argument NPR layoffs
1 Added Argument 60 Minutes Australia on "theybies"
-1 Downvoted Argument Trump goes to Ohio, passes out water food, Democrats nowhere to be found
1 Added Argument 65-year-old Leftist 'Baby' Busted for Stealing Diapers
1 Added Argument The Leftist Mind at Work and WOW
-1 Downvoted Argument That Big Business is Bad Business
1 Added Argument Leftist and the Border situation
1 Added Argument Should incest be allowed?
1 Added Argument Defense attorneys find FBI emails where they were ordered to destroy Jan 6 evidence
1 Added Argument Trump goes to Ohio, passes out water food, Democrats nowhere to be found
6 Added Argument People Who Don't Pay Taxes Shouldn't Be Allowed To Vote.

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