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JugsNThugs's Reward Points: 226

Points When What Where
5 Added Argument Is America descending back to a quagmire of misguided-morality driven ignorance?
1 Created Debate Left says you can't define woman, then tries to claim women's rights on abortion
2 Added Argument How To Steer Clear Of Very High Early Morning Glucose
1 Added Argument Has Excon had sex that was more violent than January 6th?
1 Added Argument Should the death penalty be banned?
1 Added Argument Has Excon had sex that was more violent than January 6th?
1 Created Debate The left in a race to make America Communist before right is too brown skinned
5 Created Debate 5 years of the left wanting Trump's taxes and Biden owes $500,000
1 Created Debate Evidence Surfaces That The FBI Planned And Executed January 6 Capitol Riot
5 Created Debate Which is stronger? The desire to hate each other or the desire to self preserve?
4 Created Debate If you are rooting for the virus, are you the enemy of the people?
5 Created Debate If masks work, why is anything still shut down?
1 Added Argument Communism for Dummies
5 Created Debate Communism for Dummies
-1 Downvoted Argument When Trump says the virus will magically disappear, does he gain support or lose it?
-1 Downvoted Argument When Trump says the virus will magically disappear, does he gain support or lose it?
2 Added Argument When Trump says the virus will magically disappear, does he gain support or lose it?
1 Added Argument CNN warns of bloodshed if Trump attempts to retake the CHAZ in Seattle
2 Added Argument Does it take more work to overcome or play the victim?
1 Added Argument Is Jesus a symbol of white supremacy?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Jesus a symbol of white supremacy?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Jesus a symbol of white supremacy?
1 Added Argument Is Jesus a symbol of white supremacy?
5 Created Debate Doesn't abolish the police just mean real bullets rather than rubber ones?

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