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MeThatOne's Reward Points: 60

Points When What Where
0 Downvoted Argument I would like my fellow trolls to speak out against Nathan Allen's IP trick-linking.
1 Added Argument Should rapists have visiting rights to children concieved during the crime?
1 Added Argument The left has completely abandoned the LGBT community
3 Created Debate Black lives matter but cops matter more
1 Added Argument What is the best super power?
1 Added Argument Earth-Flat or Round
1 Added Argument Is Atheism relevant in the modern world?
1 Added Argument People Who Are White, Cis, and/or Male are NOT Racist, Transphobic, and/or Misogynistic
2 Added Argument Is Atheism relevant in the modern world?
3 Added Argument Was Hitler an Atheist or a Christian? Were these concepts a basis for the Holocaust?
0 Added Argument Is the pope a drug lord Best cocaine countries are catholic dominio
3 Added Argument Liberal professors who bully conservatives and bribe liberals with better grades...

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