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NomsGremlin's Reward Points: 79

Points When What Where
0 Created Debate Nom killed his mother & buried her in the backyard
0 Created Debate Nom's favorite meal is wank in mouth
0 Created Debate Nom is demon posessed & does the devil's will
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the monetary system logical?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument Abortion sucks the life out of you.
1 Added Argument CD Members: Should we Hold a Debate Tournament?
-1 Downvoted Argument Will the sun be what ends humanity or something else?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
10 Added Argument Black men commit nearly half the murders in the U S ,why’s that ?
-1 Downvoted Argument Kushner downgrade in security clearance is normal & happens all the time
-1 Downvoted Argument Kushner downgrade in security clearance is normal & happens all the time
3 Added Argument Kushner downgrade in security clearance is normal & happens all the time
1 Created Debate Liberals will create a mess or a problem then brag when they try to fix it
1 Created Debate I flipped to MSNBC & everyone seemed mentally unstable. You watch this crap?
-1 Downvoted Argument True or False about Atheism 3
-1 Downvoted Argument Do libs get tired of media saying things will happen that never happen?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do illegal Mexicans have the right to protest in America?

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