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Polaris95's Reward Points: 239

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Yeshua the only way to be saved?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is this site a troll-haven now?
5 Created Debate Is this site a troll-haven now?
1 Added Argument Whenever you’re asked to identity your race you should check “other”
1 Added Argument Which is better??
1 Added Argument The sick reality of why leftists love and defend Islam
-1 Downvoted Argument Operation Finale is opening today.. Who you gonna cheer for? The Nazi or the Jews?
1 Added Argument Return of the Jedi was the best Star Wars movie
1 Added Argument Want free education and healthcare? The military is hiring.
1 Added Argument How does an atheist know what "evil" is?
1 Added Argument Would you deceptive liars have voted for a slave trader & then said you were against it?
1 Added Argument Best dialogues you ever heard in your life.(Movies/from someone)

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