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Spuds's Reward Points: 1074

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument What's worse than Covid-19 ? Biden-20
1 Added Argument Just how fake are left wing polls?
2 Added Argument Why do left wing adults behave like children with regard to the anti-covid-19 measures?
0 Added Argument Bronto Literally Posting Nazi Propaganda Again. Literally.
1 Added Argument Do you think the Klu Klux Klan thoroughly approves of what the left is doing?
1 Created Debate That time ABC News protected Jeffrey Epstein
0 Added Argument #TraitorTrump and ‘TRE45ON’ trend nationwide as outrage grows: LOCK HIM UP!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
1 Added Argument As 100,000 Americans Lie Dead, Bronto Still Attacking Liberals Six Times Per Hour
1 Added Argument Trump's base is KILLING themselves.. Is that bad or what?
3 Created Debate Man in photo calls out CNN for using Hurricane Harvey image in COVID-19 report
1 Created Debate CNN Mocked For Changing Headline On Senate Dems Blocking Funding Bill
3 Created Debate The media has lost the capacity for rational thought
1 Created Debate Libs said they'd leave then got mad when given permission by Trump
1 Created Debate Libs try to fake a race hoax once again
1 Added Argument should abortion be banned?
1 Created Debate Media Slams Carson for $40K But HUD Secretaries Under Obama Spent $132K
5 Created Debate How far gone is the radical left?
1 Created Debate War with Iran is in Biblical end times prophecy
5 Created Debate Nazis practiced Socialism in Nazi Germany because they were Socialists
5 Created Debate The Nazis demonized the Jews by classifying them as having racial PRIVILEGE
5 Created Debate Hootie has no interest in moving to a non-Christianized country
2 Added Argument I'll describe a guy. Tell me if he supports Bernie Sanders or Trump
3 Created Debate Hootie refuses open invitation to compare Hitler's views to Conservatives & the left
0 Created Debate Hootie refuses open invitation to compare Hitler's views to Conservatives & the left
5 Created Debate Hootie opts out of explaining why he takes all of Hitler's positions
3 Created Debate Brontoraptor disagrees with Hitler's positions on Islam, Christianity, Jews, & C
2 Created Debate Hootie takes Hitler's exact positions on Islam, Christianity, Jews, and Capitali
5 Created Debate Hootie slanders Excon. Then acts like a little princess after
1 High Rated Argument Donald Trump Has Been Sued/Prosecuted 1,450 Times.
1 Added Argument Donald Trump Has Been Sued/Prosecuted 1,450 Times.
1 Added Argument The anti gay leader of the Westboro Church is a Democrat
5 Created Debate The anti gay leader of the Westboro Church is a Democrat
0 Created Debate Meet the citizens of the place Excon calls Bumfuk
5 Created Debate Nom was humiliated as burritolunch & has retreated back to being Hootie
1 Created Debate Burritolunch is 40 years old and debates his own puppets
8 Added Argument Burritolunch says Alex Jones made up the term New World Order
5 Created Debate Burritolunch says Alex Jones invented the idea of globalists
5 Created Debate Burritolunch says Alex Jones made up the term New World Order
1 Added Argument Nom claims Putin is a Fascist, declaring Fascism is left wing
1 Added Argument Chicago Mayor's First Order Of Business: Getting To The Bottom Of The Jussie Smollett Case
3 Created Debate Will the Democrats running for President be showing us their tax returns?
5 Created Debate Nom claims Putin is a Fascist, declaring Fascism is left wing
4 Created Debate Nom defends Adolf Hitler

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