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TheRock's Reward Points: 36

Points When What Where
2 Created Debate Would it be best to learn how to skin your pets now or later?
1 Added Argument Venezuela isn't socialist
2 Added Argument Trump is BELOVED by his minions.. Does the left have ANYBODY who's BELOVED?
1 Added Argument Should we save the ocean?
1 Added Argument You're a retarded fucking subhuman dipshit if you not eat a raw meat
1 Added Argument If I create a clock with a 13 on it, will we get more time in the day?
1 Added Argument Name Your Favourite Ever Film And A Runner Up
1 Added Argument Is it Honorable to Join the Police Force, Naive, or Other?
1 Added Argument Rate this song from 1 to 10
1 Added Argument Rate this song from 1 to 10
1 Added Argument Rate this song from 1 to 10
1 Added Argument Rate this song from 1 to 10
1 Added Argument Mingiwuwu vs FM field theory rap battle.
1 Added Argument Trump's success as President proves what I have always known about those on the Left.
1 Added Argument You know what we all need?
2 Added Argument We still have not found the missing link between apes and humans
-1 Downvoted Argument We still have not found the missing link between apes and humans
0 Added Argument I believe this website is full of multi-accounting trolls.
1 Added Argument How can you deny that humans are apes?
2 Added Argument Violence is good
5 Created Debate We still have not found the missing link between apes and humans
7 Added Argument Nom AKA Mingiwuwu says humans look just like apes. You be the judge
3 Created Debate It is time for sane Democrats to support Donald Trump and America

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