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TruthMachine's Reward Points: 145

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Bernie Sanders charges $100 per person for anti Capitalism event
1 Added Argument Bernie Sanders charges $100 per person for anti Capitalism event
5 Created Debate Black guys keep getting killed in Democrat cities. Why is that?
1 Added Argument Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish Brothers and Sisters
5 Created Debate Excon wants you to fight while claiming there is no afterlife or purpose to life
1 Added Argument Washington Post Announces Layoffs
1 Added Argument Have you found nothing worth fighting for? Show me your wounds..
1 Added Argument Suddenly the left doesn't think Twitter is a private company anymore
1 Added Argument Trump's actual Tweets on January 6th don't show the media's fake narrative
5 Created Debate Do you have free speech on Elon Musk's property?
1 Added Argument Is the Whitehouse flagging posts on Facebook the government compelling speech?
1 Added Argument Trump Says Nazis Are "Good People". Bronto Falls In Love.
5 Created Debate Is this leftist being racist?
1 Created Debate Excon is not a Jew and is a white supremacist based on how he describes minorities
-1 Downvoted Argument Trump lost his mojo last night.. Did that make it easier to indict him?
2 Added Argument Trump lost his mojo last night.. Did that make it easier to indict him?
2 Added Argument The January 6 committee
1 Added Argument Go woke go broke. That includes America the nation
1 Added Argument There is no ideology of Capitalism. It's simply trading one thing for another
2 Added Argument A Republican Supreme Court got black college players paid
1 Added Argument The racist Democrats at Facebook label video of black people as ''primates''
1 Added Argument Do you agree with Biden's response to the repression of Afghan females?
1 Added Argument Does Excon care about what any black person who disagrees with him says?
5 Created Debate A Republican Supreme Court got black college players paid

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