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cruzaders's Reward Points: 326

Points When What Where
2 High Rated Argument If someone is drowning and you refuse to help, are you responsible for his death
-1 Downvoted Argument Are you prochoice or prolife?
1 Added Argument London's Mayor declares "Intense New Knife Control Policies"
-1 Downvoted Argument Is this Fake History?
-1 Downvoted Argument Dems test for and kill Special Needs Babies so if they had a late term test for being Gay?
1 Added Argument I am a Jew
1 Added Argument Crazy Leftist Iranian goes on a "Shooting Spree" in of all places California
1 Added Argument Are gays born that way?
1 Added Argument Is colonization right or wrong?
2 Added Argument Should you be 18 to legally use Social Media?
0 Added Argument The Time I Met Nomenclature
1 Added Argument Can God's election and free will coexist? I have proof?
1 Added Argument Can God's election and free will coexist? I have proof?
1 Added Argument Ratio
1 Added Argument Left doesn't want to know if you're a citizen but if you slept with pornstars
-1 Downvoted Argument Titanic disaster avoidance.
1 Added Argument Will there be black riots?
1 Added Argument Titanic would have been saved if.
1 Added Argument Are Dogs Naturally Morally Superior to Human Beings?
0 Added Argument Where are you from? Are you willing to admit it?
1 Added Argument If banning burkas would save just one life...
-1 Downvoted Argument Muslim terrorist taking hostages at a local supermarket, thoughts?
2 Added Argument Muslim terrorist taking hostages at a local supermarket, thoughts?

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